Monday, 24 March 2008

Good Friday 2008

On Good Friday 2008 at St Andrew's Edgware I was determined to  linger on the stark message of Friday without rushing into the  Third Day Hope.  This was our first Easter between vicars but last year laid the grounds for further experimenting. People were warned that the service would be aimed at adults.  Thanks to Sharon who provided activities for the few children who did turn up with parents.  Thanks to the many sources I drew together,  the cost of Christ's sacrifice was made very clear to us. A 2 metre crown of thorns made from barbed wire  was suspended from the ceiling . First seen at hold this space in dead man waiting .  A service that Cheryl Lewis and Mark Pierson lead in Oz on an Easter Saturday. This and some of the other elements of the service were further developed  by Thinkerlabs in Ontario in a service aimed more at younger people they called Blood on Our Hands. Plastic cups of ice coloured with red food dye were suspended from the crown of thorns and dripped from holes in the cups throughout the service onto a white sheet below.  A large wooden cross was placed on the white sheet supported by a chair at one end. The room was unlit except for one candle and moving images  and song words projected. Readings from Mark 15 told the story  without introduction followed by responses of silence,  song words or ritual. Most effective was a responsive reading of God on a Stick by Paul Hobbs from Alternative Worship by Jonny Baker and Doug Gay. Also at the end, introduced as a press release I read the powerful Communique by Godfrey Rust  from Welcome to the Real World. For the first time at our church people were invited to walk around and react to the various elements of the scene in response to the  beginning of the crucifixion read from Mark: 21 - 32 . Nails:  an act of confession - invited people to: drive a nail into the wood  to ask for forgiveness for someone they had wronged drive a another nail into the wood to forgive those who have sinned against us take a nail home as a reminder that we must forgive as we've been forgiven The Cup of Suffering was filled with red wine vinegar. The invitation was to take a sip from the cup  to express willingness to follow Christ wherever He may lead or read Mark 14: 32 – 42,  Luke 9: 22- 24 or Mark 15: 33 - 37 Placed below one of the dripping ice cones was a bucket collecting drips. The invitation was to place a thumb print on a piece of paper using a red stamp pad and place it in the filling bucket. As the service progressed the splashes stained the instruction sheet in a quite unplanned way. There were also various elements of the crucifiction story available as visual reminders. The purble robe was a mauve pashmina on which was placed a small crown of thorns that could be handled and two dice. ( Mark 15: 16-20 & John 19: 24 ) A sponge and vinegar ( Mark 15: 35 ). Comments are invited from those who attended and others who have used similar elements in Good Friday worship settings  

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Jonny Baker on technology and church

Jonny Baker talks about how church can be collaborative. The way social interaction is being changed by Facebook and photo sharing websites like flikr will have an influence on the way we do church in the future because behaviour is changing. There are now church web sites like MyChurch that can be built using social networking templates so church members can comment and contribute. Early days yet when so many church websites are like flatfile databases  compared to relational databases. Creativity doesn't need to be limited to leadership roles. Let go leaders and see your congregation blossom.